Holy Family Catholic Schools welcomes home to Iowa Dubuque Wahlert graduate, Zach Zeckser (‘96) to serve as Holy Family’s new chief administrator! Zeckser had previously taught high school for eleven years before serving as an elementary school principal for the past five years, all in the Twin Cities where he has lived since moving from Iowa. Zeckser assumed his position on July 2.
Zeckser is committed to Catholic education, having worked 16 years in Catholic schools and having earned two advanced degrees, including his most recent Masters degree from the University of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) Leadership Program. Zeckser subscribes to the leadership paradigm known as servant leadership, and recently helped to create a school model known as Catholic IDEALS, which is an acronym whose letters stand for innovation, differentiation, enrichment, activity, leadership, and spirituality.
Zeckser and the Holy Family School System are eager to work together for an exciting future in the Catholic schools on the west side of Cedar Rapids.
Holy Family Schools are comprised of St. Jude Elementary & LaSalle Middle Schools and are part of the Xavier Catholic School System in Cedar Rapids.