Admissions Policy
Xavier Catholic Schools early childhood programming, elementary schools, middle schools, and high school are open to all families who seek a Catholic education. The programs include:
Early Childhood Programming (including preschool)
● All Saints (2 year old - 4 year old preschool)
● LaSalle Catholic (2 year old - 4 year old preschool)
● St. Joseph (3 year old - 4 year old preschool)
● St. Matthew (infant - 4 year old preschool)
● St. Pius (infant - 4 year old preschool)
Elementary Schools
● All Saints (kindergarten - 5th grade)
● LaSalle Catholic (kindergarten - 4th grade)
● St. Joseph (kindergarten - 5th grade)
● St. Matthew (transitional kindergarten - 5th grade)
● St. Pius (transitional kindergarten - 5th grade)
Middle Schools
● LaSalle Catholic (5th - 8th grade)
● Regis (6th - 8th grade)
● St. Joseph (6th - 8th grade)
High School
● Xavier (9th - 12th grade)
Xavier Catholic School is generously supported by the following parishes; preference will be given to students of the Catholic faith that are members of these parishes:
● All Saints, CR
● Immaculate Conception/St. Wenceslaus, CR
● St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Hiawatha
● St. John XXIII, CR
● St. Joseph, Marion
● St. Jude, CR
● St. Ludmila, CR
● St. Matthew, CR
● St. Patrick, CR
● St. Pius X, CR
Admissions Priorities
The following provides guidance on enrollment decisions in the case of limited enrollment or waitlist situations at certain grade levels. Priority enrollment is given to:
Important Notes:
● Date of family registration with Xavier Catholic Schools will determine enrollment priority if the student is at the same priority level as other prospective students in the event of high demand for
placement in a specific grade level.
● Time of received registration materials will be used in situations where capacity limits enrollment; this process is used when priority levels are not in effect.
● In order for enrollment to be considered complete, all Power School Enrollment Express forms must be submitted and/or accepted (yellow and green leaves will indicate these statuses).
● Deadline to complete the registration process is March 29, 2024 for priority enrollment. After March 29, 2024 all registration materials are accepted on a first come, first served basis.
Tuition Policy
Xavier Catholic Schools (XCS) has partnered with FACTS Management Company to help manage tuition accounts as well as financial aid assessment. XCS makes every effort to keep tuition charges affordable. A
FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment tuition assistance application is available on the Xavier Catholic Schools website. Iowa families can apply annually for an Education Savings Account (ESA) under the Students First Act.
FACTS tuition contracts/statements will encompass the entire family with students in grades K-12. Tuition charges are based on parish membership, which is confirmed with the parish each year. (AFFC/ACSB policy 4216.2).
For Xavier Catholic Schools to remain a viable education system, all families must recognize and accept their responsibility to pay tuition. Tuition plays a crucial role in the XCS financial function. Further, XCS does not wish to allow families to accumulate tuition debt which would put them in financial peril. Therefore, the Xavier Catholic Schools School Board has adopted this policy regarding tuition, including delinquent tuition and consequences to determine when unpaid tuition is delinquent and the consequences of tuition being unpaid or past due.
Communication between XCS and student families is a fundamental aspect of this relationship. XCS and its administration want to do everything possible to accommodate the financial needs of the student families with the intent of avoiding a situation where a student would be unable to attend a XCS school because of delinquent tuition. Student families should contact the XCS business office as soon as they realize that they are not keeping up with their tuition payments. To that end, families are also expected to be aware of the tuition payment options and deadlines pertaining to tuition payments (see Tuition Payment Options below).
Tuition expenses incurred by Iowa residents may qualify for a tuition tax credit on state taxes. A year-end tuition statement will be sent in January to each family informing them of the amount of tuition paid during
the previous calendar year.
Tuition Payment Options
Several tuition payment arrangements are available. Parents will pay all tuition charges and all related fees in full. Each family must create an account in FACTS Tuition Management to set up a tuition payment plan and make timely payments. If they are not able to make a payment, the family must communicate with the business office.
Tuition may be paid in one of four options:
If a family carries a prior-year balance, they must pay half (50%) of the current year’s tuition before August 20th, unless a family has a current plan approved by the Finance Committee and are current on those payments. In addition, the remaining half (50%) must be paid in January of the following year. Furthermore, for students with prior year balances that made no payments in the previous year, it is required to meet with the Finance Committee to set up a payment plan to attend in the current school year. Failure to comply will result in your student being transferred out of PowerSchool and no longer being able to attend a Xavier Catholic School for the upcoming school year. There will be a $30 charge for each check or direct deposit returned for insufficient
The Business Office software provider FACTS (Tuition Management) will generate statements monthly to identify defined dates, during the school year, which will identify whether families are meeting the required payment terms or are delinquent in their tuition payments.
Delinquent Tuition
To cure delinquency, tuition amounts, which are due but remain unpaid, must be paid on or before June 30th of the academic calendar. Failure to cure the delinquency by the due date will result in the denial of a student’s opportunity to register for classes in the next academic year..
Further, if the process of enrollment has been commenced for the following academic year it will be discontinued. The student will not be permitted to attend classes in the next academic year until there has
been a resolution pertaining to the delinquent tuition.
At any time during the academic year should a family determine that they will not be able to pay their tuition obligation, payment plans may be considered by the Business Office of XCS. It is critical that any payment option, other than those outlined above, be adhered to and payments are made in a timely manner. Any request for a payment plan should be submitted to the XCS Business Office when the inability to pay tuition becomes apparent to the student’s family and in no event later than May 20th of the academic year. When requested the Business Office will review the individual case and attempt to accommodate the families with economic hardships using the financial information available to evaluate and institute a payment plan.
If after consideration of the financial information and details, the Business Office and student family are unable to arrive at a payment plan the student family may appeal. The appeal shall be, in writing, and addressed to the XCS Finance Committee designated to consider matters of delinquent and past tuition. The committee shall
review the circumstances of the delinquency and shall recommend a resolution of the matter of delinquent tuition. The decision and recommendation of the committee shall be final and will not be changed by the President of XCS, the XCS Controller, or any School Principal.
If the delinquent tuition pertains to a student who is a senior at Xavier High School and remains unpaid or without an approved payment plan as of May 1st of the academic year, the senior student will not be permitted to participate in the graduation ceremony.
Xavier Catholic Schools reserves the right to pursue all legal and equitable actions available to collect unpaid tuition.
Financial Responsibility
If you are the individual(s) responsible for tuition changes, it is your responsibility to notify the XCS Business Office. A new, signed tuition contract is required. Student accounts seriously delinquent may be pursued up to and including legal collection. It is the parent’s sole responsibility to contact the XCS Business Office to arrange
Tuition Contract
By signing the Xavier Catholic Schools tuition contract, you are agreeing to the following:
If a student later decides not to attend XCS or does not attend for the full year, individuals responsible for tuition will not be held liable for the full tuition amount. Tuition will be prorated based on the actual number of
days/weeks enrolled.
Specific questions regarding a tuition account should be directed to Xavier Catholic Schools at [email protected].
The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is intended to promote responsible use and to protect students and the school from liability from any misuse of the school-issued device and/or Chromebook. Technology, on or off-campus, must be used in accordance with the mission and philosophy of Xavier Catholic Schools. Teachers may set additional requirements and expectations for use and supervision in their respective classes.
The device remains the property of Xavier Catholic Schools at all times. Therefore, there is no assumption of privacy. Xavier Catholic Schools reserves the right to inspect student devices and school used online accounts at any time during the school year. Misuse of the student device will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, as stated in the following policy and the Xavier Catholic Schools Parent/Student Handbook.
Above all, the technology program at Xavier Catholic Schools is an academic program, and the policies of governing the use of the student device support its academic use. To maintain the integrity of the technology program, all students and parents/guardians must acknowledge and agree to the following conditions of use:
Use, Distribution, and Care
General Expectations
Apps, Files, Etc.
Prohibitive Use
Acceptable Use Policy Violations
For incidents such as the above, the following procedures will be followed:
In some cases of AUP Violations, other school rules may also be in violation. For example, a student who uses school technology for the purposes of bullying behavior is also subject to not only technology violations but also is subject to the consequences of disciplinary action related to bullying behavior. The above violations are outlined to demonstrate the minimum consequences for AUP violations. Some violations may be more severe and the consequences for such behavior will be in accordance with the actions. Technology is an ever-changing world, and the items listed above are not exclusive. With changes in technology come changes in inappropriate behavior, and students are expected to act appropriately at all times.
Please report any accidental damage as soon as it happens. Any repair/replacement costs due to non accidental damage that does incur on the device will be assessed to the student’s family. This device will be solely used for academics. Failure to use this device for anything other than academics could result in the loss of privileges of device use during the 2024-2025 school year.