Parents/Guardians may complete registration in PowerSchool by following one of the two processes below.
Option 1: PowerSchool Public Portal
Follow and log in to PowerSchool by entering your username and password.
Click Forms in the left navigation column to complete this year’s registration forms.
Option 2: PowerSchool App
Download the PowerSchool App (App Store, Google Play) on a mobile device and enter this code to connect to our PowerSchool: SBDK
Touch More in the lower-right corner.
Touch Forms to complete this year’s registration forms.
After accessing PowerSchool from the Public Portal or from the App, accessing the “Forms” options will allow you to complete the registration process.
Registration will need to be completed for all students separately, and some registration forms can be submitted for all students within a family at once.
There will be up to four sections of forms to review, and it is important that all forms are completed in each section.
Home Language Survey Acknowledgement - This form provides instructions for completing the Home Language Survey (HLS), which only needs to be completed once, not annually.
School Specific - This section will have form(s) specific to the school. Some schools may not have a school specific section, but will have a form with the school name.
Review & Update - These forms have already been completed in past years (unless you are new) but should be reviewed to ensure accurate information is on file with the school. This is a good time to update any of this important information.
Contacts - It is critical to ensure contact information for parental and emergency contacts is accurate. Mailing lists and notifications are pulled from the information in the Student Contacts portion of this form.
Please include just one email per contact.
Include Relationship to Student
Update Custody Flag and Lives With Flag for parental contacts
Make sure the SMS box is checked next to your mobile phone number in order to receive text message delay/cancellation notifications.
Click the edit pencil within the contact card
Click the edit pencil next to the mobile number
Check “Allow SMS"
Religious Form - This form will need to be completed as the form has changed.
Required - These forms must be completed each school year.
To ensure that the process is complete: Click on “Forms” again to make sure that all forms for all students are complete by ensuring that all form statuses are either “Submitted”, “Approved”, or “Pending Review”, and no forms are marked “Not Started” or “Started”.
Please contact [email protected] with any questions.