The year 2020 has certainly presented all of us with a unique journey. Our Xavier Catholic School teachers and staff are excited and ready to continue our partnership with our families to help our children learn with a higher purpose. Over the summer, our administrators and Return to Learn committees have worked collaboratively and diligently to create a rigorous and safe plan to return our children to learning. We encourage you to read these plans (click on school logo to view that school's plan).
Our schools have prepared three potential learning models for the 2020-2021 school year with the ability to transition between each of these models as conditions or guidance dictates:
All Saints, Holy Family, St. Joseph's, St. Matthew's, St. Pius X, and Regis will implement On-Site Learning Models with significant health and safety measures in place to protect our students, teachers/staff, and families. These measures include requiring face masks, physical distancing, and heavy sanitizing among others. This model was selected knowing that many of our younger students are not yet fully independent learners and require significant hands-on support, consistent access to teachers, play-based models, and social/emotional support through in-person interaction.
Xavier High School will implement a Hybrid Learning Model which consists of students learning on-site for half a school day and online for the other half. Grades 9-12 will be divided into two "cohort" groups (Navy and Silver) which will rotate between AM and PM being on-site for classes. This model allows for the following:
Students to attend classes in-person for half the school day every day
Teachers to engage directly with students
A reduced number of people in the building at one time
As with our XCS elementary and middle schools, significant health and safety measures will be in place to protect our students, teachers/staff, and families. These measures include requiring face masks, physical distancing, heavy sanitizing, and installing UV air filters in the school's HVAC system among others. Read the Xavier High School Return to Learn Plan...
All Xavier Catholic Schools will offer a fully online option for families who choose that model for their child(ren).
Any school or system-wide changes in learning models would be determined by any (or a combination) of the following: Governor Reynolds, the Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa Department of Education, the school boards of our XCS schools (in collaboration with Linn County Public Health). Families will be notified with as much notice as possible if/when there is a need to transition learning models. In each of the three learning models, attendance will be taken, work graded and credit granted.
Regardless of how the school year may unfold, we remain steadfast in our commitment to “learning with a higher purpose” by providing a high quality Catholic education with an emphasis on personal connection between families and schools. Families can expect that Catholic beliefs, traditions and teaching will continue to be the cornerstones of daily instruction; Mass will be celebrated; Teachers will have daily communication/interaction with students; Core classes (including Religion/Theology) and prayer opportunities will be conducted daily; and service opportunities will be offered.
We look forward to carrying on the joyous work of providing a Catholic education that feeds your child and family spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually.
Thank you to our Xavier Catholic School families for entrusting us with your most precious gift!
Yours in Christ,
Heather Williams, Principal, Holy Family/St. Jude
Zach Zeckser, Chief Administrator, Holy Family/LaSalle
Brian O'Donnell, Principal, St. Pius X Elementary School
Megan Boomgarden, Principal, All Saints Elementary School
Amy Conlon, Principal, St. Matthew Elementary School
Casey Kettmann, Principal, St. Joseph School
Josh Gredys, Principal, Regis Middle School
Angela Olson, Principal, Xavier High School
Chris McCarville, President, Xavier High School
All plans are subject to change.
Elementaries & Middle Schools
(On-Site Learning Model)
All Saints Return to Learn Plan
Holy Family Return to Learn Plan
St. Joseph Return to Learn Plan
St. Matthew's Return to Learn Plan
St. Pius X Return to Learn Plan
Regis Return to Learn Plan
Xavier High School
(Hybrid Learning Model)
Xavier Return to Learn Plan